Introducing Matthew Mitchell, avagy egy új-zélandi zenész kalandjai Magyarországon
E-mailen bejelentkezett nálam egy számomra kevésbé ismert, vagy mondhatom úgy is ismeretlen muzsikus, örülne, ha az általa is olvasott megjelenne egy kritika új lemezéről, ami egyébként csak vinyl formában kapható, illetve a korral haladva, interneten vásárolható. Nos, az vesse rám az első követ, aki „up-to-date” az új-zélandi jazzéletben. Bevallom őszintén, én eddig csak két zongoristát ismertem a kiwik szigetéről, Alan Broadbent-et (1947) és Mike Nock-ot (1940). Nomeg a náluk fiatalabb korosztályt képviselő bőgőst, Matt Penman-t (1974), aki két éve lépett fel Dave Douglas együttesével a Budapest Jazz Clubban. De ki is lehet ez az 1973. augusztus 9-én Hamilton-ban született Matthew Mitchell?
Let me ask you only one question: do you think of yourself as a jazz musician?
Do I think of myself as a jazz musician? good question. I have a University degree in jazz performance and was a university improvisation and ensemble teacher. I know more than 600 jazz standards and can play them in any key and style. I have two internationally released avant garde jazz records on Leo records in the UK plus three released by a New Zealand label and now a new trio record with Hungarian musicians. I have performed with Maynard Ferguson, Dave Holland, John Abercrombie, Byron Wallen, Evan Parker, Nate Smith, Willaim Parker, Tony Kofi, John Edwards, Hamid Drake and a whole bunch of other famous jazz people including strangely enough (and it was strange) Pege Aladar in the Czech Republic. I have appeared on quite a few other records as a sideman... I have also released
internationally 3 experimental indie folk rock (jazz influenced) records, 2 techno LPs, 3 techno remix discs on Swedish and German labels, toured in about 26 countries and played at 14 major international jazz festivals Including London, Manchester and Sydney.
At the moment I am slowly working on some "Jazz" music with a lovely and very awesome singer called Veronika Harcsa who I believe is considered to be a "jazz" singer here in Hungary, and another duo project called "Matthew Mitchell's blackened hands of Doom" with the very talented jazz drummer Zsolt Sárvári Kovács. At the same time I also have a double record of electro-pop/prog rock in the works, a
Moldavian folk project also taking shape though all with Jazz influences, anew minimal techno project and a solo noise/improvisation/electroacoustic recording project.
So the short answer is No, I don't think of myself as a Jazz musician. Just a musician who loves to improvise and play music (primarily on guitar though any instrument is a fair target) but with extremely poor promotional skills.