
Friss Hírek

Kis hírek – friss hírek2024. október 17.
Joy,Samara: Portrait2024. október 15.
Zsoldos Béla: Prémium2024. október 14.


A NEQ Dél-Koreában - Jarasum Jazz Festival Featuring the Nagy Emma Quintet

Az alábbi levelet lapunk solymári munkatársától, Barcsik Gézától kaptam ma reggel 7 óra 36 perckor! – A szerk.


The multi award-winning Nagy Emma Quintet will be performing at the Jarasum Jazz Festival on Saturday, October 19.

As a representative of the new wave of modern and contemporary jazz, the group has played at various competitions and festivals across Italy, Poland, Spain, and Slovakia, in addition to many performances in Hungary.

Known for their experimental approach, their music combines powerful drum beats, freeform improvisation, contemporary song structures, and other innovative elements.

Come experience top-notch jazz music while enjoying the beautiful autumn weather in Jarasum. 2024. October 19. 22:00 - 22:50 - Jazz Street, Gapyeong-eup.




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