
Friss Hírek

Kis hírek – friss hírek2024. november 20.
Jazz(Nagy)kanizsa 20242024. november 11.


Goodbye Tony!

Tony Lakatos október 15-én, pénteken búcsúzott el a Frankfurti Rádió Big Bandjétől, amelynek 1993 óta –vagyis 28 éve!- tagja volt.

Alább látható-hallható a koncert! A linket október 17-én –vagyis ma reggel!- 9 óra 14 perckor küldte tatabányai tudósítónk, Fazekas Sándor.


Ez pedig a netre a koncert alá feltett angol nyelvű szöveg. Nem sértem meg azzal olvasóinkat, hogy magyar fordítással zavarjam Önöket, hisz a jazz anyanyelve az angol!

Actually, Tony has always been here. Officially, the native Hungarian has been with the Frankfurt Radio Big Band since 1993. With his sound on the tenor saxophone, he is still defining the sound of the band today. Our manager once said, "I've never heard an only dubious solo from Tony!". Now the sad moment has come to say: "Goodbye, Tony!" to one of the most gifted musicians of European jazz, to one who has no musical blinders and to a great person who shaped our big band for 28 years. We want to hear the best of Tony once again and prepare a special evening for him in return. Joining us will be his quintet, the Frankfurt Radio Big Band and, of course, the chief conductor himself: Jim McNeely. Take advantage of one of the last four opportunities for a concert evening with the Frankfurt Radio Big Band and Tony Lakatos on tenor saxophone!

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